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Our volunteer opportunities are changing as we grow and develop new programs. What doesn't change is your impact. Thank you for taking the time to learn about our volunteer programs. 

Signed up in the past and want to reconnect?


Volunteers like you are essential to our lifesaving mission. In order for you to get the most out of your experience at ARE Animal Rescue, there are a few requirements we ask volunteers to meet.

Litter of Terrier Mix Puppies Playing in


Be a part of ARE's No-Kill Initiative to help our community and county achieve better no-kill policies for animals without homes.

Sleeping Dogs


Support fragile animals that are have special medical and behavioral needs.

Family Portrait

personal impact

Form lifelong friendships with other volunteers and pets.

Litter of Terrier Mix Puppies Playing in


Grow personally and professionally through skills learned and shared.

Benefits of volunteering with are

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